Source Code of Ratchet Websocket Chat Application

Hi If you are looking for source code of Ratchet Websocket library Chat Application, then you have come on right place and from this page you can download complete source code of Real-time chat application using Ratchet PHP Websocket library. There are many video tutorial we have already published now we need to also publish source code of this Chat application tutorial series, you can run chat application in your local computer.

If you have download source code from this web page, then you can get the complete source code of this Ratchet Chat application, because from this web page you can get the source code for how to create PHP Live chat application using websockets. For run this source code in your local computer, you have to follow below step.

  1. Download source code from below download chat application source code link.
  2. After download source code, and when you have extract source code it will ask password, so you can get password from this chat application video link.
  3. Next make database in your local phpmyadmin.
  4. Create required table in your newly created database, for get sql script, please visit Build Real time Chat Application in PHP Mysql using WebSocket page link.
  5. After creating database, you have to make database connection, so open database/Database_connection.php and define your mysql database configration.
  6. Next you have to start server, so for this go to command prompt and then after go to your chat application directory, and run php bin/server.php command, it will start server.
  7. And now you can able to test chat application in your local working environment.

After follow above steps and still you have not able to test Ratchet Chat application in your local computer then you can ask your query under this page comment box, we will reply on your comment and solve your query.


  1. Replies
    1. Got it. Thanks.. btw, do you have the sql file? I created my own but it stucked on the authenticate at PHPMailer not sure why.. maybe I need the original sql file.

  2. i watch all the vedio but i cant find the password there pleas tell me i really need it

  3. Sorry when I'm trying to send my message the server can not find driver and data not inserted to datebase

  4. password at video description is not working

  5. Thank you for this amazing tutorial. Can you please update your source code with the one to one chat version

  6. Hi, Where is the database. I extracted the zip file but did not find the database.

  7. Replies
    1. Second last line of video description is the password for zip file source code. So check it again.

  8. Hi, I'm sorry but the password at the end of the description doesn't work for me ? Thanks's a lot for your help.

  9. how do i log in...sucess register and enable..user but at login ...log user but nothing happen..please reply...Sir...thank you

  10. removed data-parsley-pattern="^[a-zA-Z]+$" in register.php and was able to login

  11. What is the password? i've watched the video.

    1. Second last line of video description is the password for zip file source code. So check it again.

  12. password is not working if you really don't want to share your code why are you making people fools.

  13. No logro iniciar el servidor.
    C:\xampp\htdocs\chat>php bin / server.php
    Este comando me lanza la siguiente respuesta: "php" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,
    programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable.

  14. no database error cannot login...register user also enable at phpmyadmin didnt log in the user

  15. I can't log in, i dont' why, i have the database and the other files in the right way, but when i try to log in it doesn't work

  16. hello! there is no sql file in .zip ? from where i will get the sql file.

  17. I am Extract File so it was taking password so can't get password i am not able to get pass

  18. how to create login credetials?

  19. Pls I need the password to unzip the

    1. bro password work ,you have type the password manually .don't copy and past the password

  20. Hello, Really helpful and nice tutorial. please advise how to deploy this application on hosting server ?

  21. password and db sql file please

  22. Unable to login, no error nothing show :( can any one tells whats issue and one more thing i am using php 7.4

  23. giving error PHPmailer please anyone tell how can i solve it

  24. anyone post the password here i cant find it on youtube

  25. Please why you not share the sql file if everything you shared.

  26. Thanks for this tutorial. Here we run it with php bin/server.php command what will happen when i try to run this code on live server instead of local server. Will you guide me for this?

  27. Special Thanks for this tutorials. I need help for Upload this chat system on live server, how to run "php bin/server.php" on live server

  28. Hi Guy,

    Can you tell me please how many user can handle as my company is having 200 employees and want chat in group? Plz advise bro..

  29. Without the sql file this script is useless.
