Monday 22 July 2024

Efficient Task Management System in PHP with Source Code

Efficient Task Management System in PHP with Source Code

1. Introduction

The Task Management System in PHP is a web-based application designed to manage tasks efficiently within an organization. It enables team managers and other associated individuals to assign, edit, and delete tasks in a streamlined manner. This system is built using PHP and MySQL, making it robust and scalable for any organizational need.

2. Objectives

  • To provide an efficient task management solution for organizations.
  • To reduce the chances of miscommunication and errors in task assignments.
  • To streamline the process of task tracking and status updates.
  • To improve productivity and time management within the organization.

3. System Overview

The Task Management System consists of two main modules: Admin and User. Each module has specific functionalities that contribute to the overall efficiency of the system.

Admin Module:

  • Manage Departments: Add, delete, or edit department information.
  • Manage Users: Register new employees, provide login credentials, and edit or delete user information.
  • Assign Tasks: Assign tasks to users with detailed descriptions.
  • Update Task Status: Change the status of tasks to reflect their current state.

User Module:

  • User Login: Users log in using credentials provided by the admin.
  • View Assigned Tasks: Users can see the tasks assigned to them.
  • Assign Tasks: Users can assign tasks to other employees.
  • Update Task Status: Users can change the status of their tasks.
  • View Task History: Users can browse their task history.

4. System Design

The system design includes an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram that outlines the database structure and relationships between different entities.

Efficient Task Management System in PHP with Source Code - Database

5. Database Schema



  • admin_id
  • admin_email
  • admin_password


  • department_id
  • department_name
  • department_status
  • department_added_on
  • department_updated_on


  • user_id
  • user_first_name
  • user_last_name
  • department_id
  • user_email_address
  • user_email_password
  • user_contact_no
  • user_date_of_birth
  • user_gender
  • user_address
  • user_status
  • user_image
  • user_added_on
  • user_updated_on


  • task_id
  • task_title
  • task_creator_description
  • task_completion_description
  • task_department_id
  • task_user_to
  • task_status
  • task_added_on
  • task_updated_on

6. Implementation

The implementation involves setting up the database, creating the necessary tables, and developing the PHP scripts for various functionalities.

6.1 Installation

  1. Create the database and tables using the provided SQL scripts.
  2. Upload the PHP files to the server.
  3. Configure the database connection settings in the config.php file.
  4. Access the installation page to set up the initial admin user and other configurations.

6.2 Admin Functions

Add Department:

Edit Department:

Add User:

Edit User:

Add Task:

Edit Task:

6.3 User Functions


View Tasks:

Change Password:

7. Features

  • Task Assignment and Tracking: Efficiently assign tasks to employees and track their progress.
  • User Management: Manage user registration, login, and profile updates.
  • Department Management: Add, edit, and delete departments.
  • Task Status Updates: Update task statuses to reflect their current state.
  • History Tracking: View task history with date filters.

8. Future Enhancements

  • Notifications: Implement email or SMS notifications for task assignments and updates.
  • Reporting: Add reporting features to generate summaries and analytics of tasks.
  • Mobile Application: Develop a mobile app to allow users to manage tasks on the go.

9. Conclusion

The Task Management System in PHP is an effective solution for organizations to manage their tasks efficiently. By automating the task assignment and tracking processes, it reduces miscommunication and errors, ultimately improving productivity and time management.

10. References


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