Sunday 26 September 2021

PHP MySQL Project on Medical Store Management System

This is PHP and MySQL Project on Medical Store or Shop Management System and this Pharmacy Management System is a web based PHP Project and it has been developed in PHP Language and MySQL database. With the help of this free pharmacy management system, we can manage medicine location details, medicine company data, medicine supplier data, live medicine inventory data, medicine purchase and sales data and even we can also create medicine sales bill also. The main object for develop Online Medical Store Management System with PHP and MySQL for overcome the manual errors in operate Medical store and convert whole Medical Store day to day work like managing sells, medicine purchase, medicine stock or inventory, medicine billing into computerized system.

This Medical Store Management System is web based application, so multiple user can work on the system at the same time. This is nice project for your education purpose. If you want to learn How to build web application in PHP step by step, then this is best PHP Project in which you can learn lots of things regarding how to build big web application in PHP. In this Medical Shop Management System Project there are many modules like Medicine Category module, Location Rack module, medicine company module, medicine supplier module, medicine purchase module, medicine module and medicine module. By using this project User can easily manage the inventory of their medical store easily and generate medical sales bill also. Their whole medical store data will store in centralized system. So from one location they can easily track the total sales, total purchase data, in stock medicine data and out of stock medicine data in single click.

PHP MySQL Project on Medical Store Management System

Technology of User for Build Medical Store Management System

Server Side

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • DomPDF Library

Client Side

  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • Bootstrap 5
  • Vanilla JavaScript Simple-DataTables
  • Font Awesome Library
  • Vanilla SelectBox
  • Chart.js

Users of Medical Store Management System

Under this Online Pharmacy Billing System, there are main two user.

  • Admin or Master User
  • Sub User will be created by Master User

Relational Model Diagram of Medical Store Management System

PHP Project on Medical Store Management System

Modules of Medical Store Management System

This are the main modules of this PHP and MySQL Pharmacy Management System.

  1. Medicine Category Module : Master User can Add, Edit, Read and Delete Medicine Category data under this Category Module.
  2. Medicine Location Rack Module : Master User can Add, Edit, Read and Delete Medicine Location Rack data under this Location Rack Module.
  3. Medicine Company Module : Master User can Add, Edit, Read and Delete Medicine Company data under this Company Module.
  4. Medicine Supplier Module : Master User can Add, Edit, Read and Delete Medicine Supplier data under this Medicine Supplier Module.
  5. Medicine Module : Master User can Add, Edit, Read and Delete Medicine data under this Medicine Module.
  6. Medicine Purchase Module : Master User or Sub User can Add, Edit, Read and Delete Medicine Purchase data under this Medicine Purchase Module.
  7. Medicine Sells Module : Master User or Sub User can Add, Edit, Read and Delete Medicine Sells data and they can also generate Medicine Sells Bill also under this Medicine Sells Module.
  8. System Set Up Module : When first time this system has been run then this set up module will create database connection under this system, then after it will make required Mysql table under define database, next it will create master or admin user account and at the end of set up it will also set up medical store also.
  9. Login Module : With help of this Login module, Master User or Sub User can get access into under Medical Store Management System.
  10. User Module : Master User can Add, Edit, Read and Delete Sub User data under this User Module.
  11. Analytics Module : Master can see analytics data like No. of In Stock Medicine, No. of Out of Stock Medicine, Total value of Sales, Total Values of Purchase, Master user can see last 15 days sales data in graph format. In this Analytics Master user can see last six month Medicine store data in graph format and at the end of page, Master user can see the list of out of Stock Medicine.

Run Medical Store Management System in Local Computer or Laptop

  • Download XAMPP Server and Install in your Computer.
  • After Install XAMPP Server, Start Apache and MySQL Server in installed XAMPP Server.
  • Next you can download source code file from this web page, we have put source code download link at below of this web page.
  • When you have click on below source code download link, then it will redirect to another page, and on that page you have to enter your email address.
  • Once you have enter your email address, then source code download link will be send to your email address. If you have not received email in your Inbox, please check your SPAM folder.
  • Once you have download Medical Store Management System Source code, so you have to extract source code file under xampp/htdocs folder where you have install xampp server.
  • This Pharmacy Stop Management System Source is password protected, so you can get source code file at this the Video description.
  • Once you have extract file in xampp/htdocs folder, then after you have to open browser and visit localhost/phpmyadmin. And create new blank database for this Medical Store Management System.
  • After this in another tab, you have to run http://localhost/msbs/index.php file of this Pharmacy Management System.
  • When you have hit above URL then it will first you ask Mysql database configuration details and base url details. So when you fill required details, and submit format, then it will make database connection and create required folder in define MySQL database.
  • After this it will ask you Master user registration details like email address, name and password details, once you have fill all details and submit form then it will create master user account under this Medical Store Management System.
  • Once Master user account has been created then it will ask for set up medical store details, so in this step you have to define medical store details and once you have fill all details and submit it, it will create medical store under this PHP Pharmacy Management and Billing System.
  • After follow all above step lastly it will redirect you to login page so here you have to enter master user login details. So follow this step and run this Medical Store Management System.

This is fully dynamic Medical Store Management System which has been build in PHP language with MySQL Database, and here you can get the complete source code of Medical Shop Management System, so you can run this system in your localhost and check the functionality of this system and you can learn how to build any system in PHP.

If you have find any bug under this system, please share under comment box, we will overcome that bug and we will again published error free source code of this Medical Store Management System.

If you have any suggestion or we have to required to add any feature under this Medical Shop Management system, please write your suggestion under this post comment box, we will add you suggestion under this system and we will again published updated source code of Pharmacy Shop and Billing System.


  1. how to set the base url for meidical store managements system installation

    1. Please check this video, because we have already show you how to install this system on localhost.

  2. Password to extract files, please ?

  3. Please send me at mail sir

  4. Unfortunately, I cannot open the file because it asks for a password. I would be very happy if you send me the password.

  5. what is the password word of zip file?

  6. after the setup, it takes me to the login page rather than the Master setup page,
    Please help

  7. we can add a admin panel for a person so they can add multiple stores in this

  8. what is the password word of zip file? i have waited for more than 5 minutes but nothing yet

  9. User side login : Analytical dashboard ( index.php ). Not show
    When we login user side - purchase_medicine.php page show.
    Not goto Dashboard ( index.php )

    Kindly update this modules.
    Thank you.

  10. i cant download the source code after login demo? i aleady send email

  11. Could someone assist me with the file please.

  12. Thanks for sharing. How to add dom pdf library to printout any bill?

  13. after running index.php it displays a login page whats the issue kindly?

  14. what is the password for extracting the file
