Thursday 27 August 2020

5 Effective Web Design and Development Tips to Build your Website

Every website that you aim to develop has to follow a structure that is defined by its organization. An eCommerce website may usually include lots of products and categories. While a small business may need even a single page website. A web design company can plan the structure and appearance of website according to the requirements submitted by clients.

To begin with the design, one must pay attention to how the website will look, navigate, and engage users. The developers must consider the likeness of the end users rather than following their own standard pattern and trends. The design features that are effective for one business may not be useful for the others. In this post, I am sharing some of the effective tips that applies to almost all of the websites.

1. Pursue a minimalist page

Every web page has a purpose so the designed must communicate its core message to the target audience. Adding clutter to the design may deviate them from the main cause. Therefore, it is recommended to keep a minimalist design for the home page. Make it easier for the users to scan and grasp the content of your website.

Add the important content above the fold so that users can find it as soon as the page loads and they are not required to scroll down. You can beautify the page with attractive images and other forms of visual content. Use whitespace to allow users to scan the objects fast and navigate easily to the call to action button.

2. Align the visuals in a logical manner

The development team must work on the visual flow of a website. the adding and placement of different visual elements combines to create a visual context. With the help of a visual context, an end user can quickly understand and use the website.

For example, you can try different sizes and heights for glorifying different features and calls to action buttons on a web page. The placement of each object also matters the most. With simplified visual flow, the users may go through the content and end up with the CTA button.

3. Make the content readable

Adding content to web pages is more about the end users rather than search engines. Use simple language and vocabulary to make the product descriptions and service pages easy to read. You must work on selecting the right size and type of font as well.

Large size text is recommended the most, but it must not be unreasonably large in size that a mobile user cannot read a complete paragraph on his or her device. Besides the font type and size, its color and background also has to be dealt with care. Try and test every color change to see how must these are effective.

4. Follow easy navigation

Users leave a website as soon as they find it hard to search and browse. You must pursue a usable design for your website so that the target audience can find products, categories, and other content sections with a click.

The first and foremost thing to do is linking the website logo with the home page. as soon as the user gets stuck in a subcategory or footer content, he or she can go back to the home with a click. Additionally, you must design a main menu in a way that portrays the entire website structure in sub-menus. With vertical navigation aid and footer links, you can further improve the usability of your website.

5. Make it mobile friendly

Mobile internet users are on the rise. They are searching for their favorite brands, clothing, and lots of other services using their smart phones and mobile gadgets. Ignoring mobile responsive design of your website means you are not serious in getting them on board. Therefore, if you are developing a website, make sure it is mobile responsive.

Concluding thoughts

It is the web design and development of a website behind the success of an online business. However, deciding which design element or development object to add depends on your specific business niche. The tips in this post can help you start designing the website however to achieve excellence you must understand the common behavior of your target audience.


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