Sunday 10 May 2020

What is the difference between PHP5 and PHP 7

What is the difference between PHP5 and PHP 7

PHP was invented in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf and from 1994 to 2020 this language is a very popular and suitable scripting language for all web developers, web development companies have developed many websites using PHP scripting language. PHP gives you a lot of features that are limited and useful for a web developer to build a good website. If you do not follow PHP closely or you are a beginner in PHP and want to make a career, then you can learn the course on tutorials like w3school or, udemi, php quora. PHP has brought many versions of web development from 1994 to 2020 and has also upgraded.

Many new PHP developers are not aware of the older version of version 7, so here we will discuss what is the difference between PHP7 and PHP5? And with this, there are new developers who do not have that much knowledge about PHP. So here we will talk about what is PHP and what are the new features in PHP 7.

PHP Definition

PHP means, hypertext preprocessor, PHP is a widely-used is an open-source scripting language, and PHP script is executed on the server. PHP is suitable for web development. PHP can be embedded in HTML.

What is a PHP file?

PHP files are stored as .php extensions in any folder. The PHP script is executed on the server and outputs to the web browser in HTML format. In any PHP file content is like text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP code.

Why PHP is so important for web development?

Is PHP important to learn, because PHP is easy to learn for any PHP beginner, PHP is free downloadable from official resources ( PHP is compatible with all servers (Apache, IIS, etc), which is the most used in today's era. PHP runs on various platforms such as Windows, Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X, etc.

What you can do with PHP

What can PHP do, PHP generates dynamic web page content, collects form data, and also accepts encrypted data. Add, delete, modify, search, and view data coming from the database. PHP can send and receive cookies and control user access.

What are the new features in PHP 7?

PHP7 is a current version of PHP, but many new beginners do not use the older version of PHP, so here we give you information about the new features in the Php7 version, and after that we will get the complete difference between PHP7 and PHP5. Let's describe. PHP7 is faster than the previous stable version (PHP5). PHP7 improves its error handling. PHP7 fully supports for new operators.

What is the difference between PHP5 and PHP 7

Why the company jumps to the php7 version after the php5 version because a company announced that php5 is a good and very stable version and is out for php6 release, but did not remain as a stable version after testing php6, And the company did not want to confuse the community. Therefore, the php7 version is declared for release after the php5 version. When you update the version many masterstroke changes are seen, then someone becomes your strength and someone becomes your weakness. So we will talk about what is the difference between PHP5 and PHP7.

1: Performance

Performance, this term is a very important masterstroke in the difference between PHP7 and PHP5. Suppose you have a code and you can run this code with both versions, at that time the php5 version gives slower output with the use of Zend ||, but php7 uses brand new PHP-NG. This model offers a good improvement in performance, and a good focus on optimizing memory usage. This cause is affecting the performance of speed. So php7 is faster than php5.

2: Declare return type PHP

In PHP5, it has a very large defect coding scenario because the developer was unable to stop the unwanted return type, and produces an exception because PHP5 does not allow the programmer to declare the return type of a function or method. The company removed this reason and added this feature to the new version PHP7. PHP7 allows developers to declare a return type of function. This concept is good for all developers and helps make the code accurate and robust.

3: Allow new Operators

In php7, we notice all new operators, such as notation and null co-operators. The notation is technically called a combined comparison or three-level comparison operator (<=>). This operator is used in sorting and various joint comparisons. This operator acts like strcmp () and qualifies to replace the library function version_compare (). And the other operator is the null coalescing operator, used to check if something exists. And the sign uses double question marks (??).

4: MySql function

The PHP version php5 supports the MySQL syntax to connect to the MySQL database, but PHP7 only supports the mysqli syntax to connect to the MYSQL database.

5: Anonymous class feature

Php5 has not provided anonymous category features in web development, even though php5 follows the object-oriented feature, and is also used in other programming languages such as Java and c #. But PHP5 lacks this feature. So this reason is resolved in the PHP 7 stable version of PHP. An anonymous class is used for faster execution times and is suitable when you do not have to execute the class more than once.

Right now all our readers and those who want to make a career in PHP have understood what is the PHP definition, what can you do with PHP, what is a PHP file ?, what are the new features in PHP 7 ? And What is the difference between PHP5 and PHP 7.

1 comment:

  1. I have read your blog on the differences between PHP 5 and PHP 7. It was very interesting and helpful but I can add some extra points in your article. Here some extra points:
    1.PHP 7.0 added scalar type declarations for strings, integers, floating-point numbers, and booleans.
    2.PHP 7.0 added support for return type declarations.
    3.PHP 7.1 added support for nullable parameter types and return types.
    4.void is a valid return type as of PHP 7.1.
    These are some extra points to add to your article. Readers if you are confused about your web and App development , you can get a free consultation at Alakmalak technologies.Visit our site for more information.
