Monday 29 October 2018

Top Languages to Develop Mobile Apps

Mobile development game is fierce. From UI to safe payment gateways, these apps need to be perfect, or they will never be able to lure customers in. We all know how brutal people can be on app stores with their reviews; even the slightest glitch and shortcoming, is unacceptable.

Furthermore, with new technologies coming every year- AR, VR, etc.- the pressure mounts on developers to find ways to employ these technologies in their apps to compete in the market. To make all of this happen, the selection of a proper programming language is crucial. Now the choice of a programming language depends on various aspects, prime of them is the type of app you are building- Native, Web or Hybrid. Furthermore, the business model used by your employer will have a significant influence on this decision as well. All the app requirements and targets have to be crystal clear between both parties involved before the development phase starts. Based on this plan, you can choose the most suitable programming language to develop that app.

Listed below, in no particular order, are the five best programming languages for mobile app development.


Swift is a multi-paradigm, compiled programming language used to develop iOS and MacOS apps. Up until a few years ago, iOS and MacOS developers used Objective-C to develop these apps, but with the coming of Swift, Objective-C has lost a lot of its popularity and has taken the back burner. Swift makes writing codes for Apple’s latest APIs such as Cocoa Touch and Cocoa, smoother and easier. Furthermore, Swift helps you in bypassing various security vulnerabilities which weres posed in codebases written in Objective-C.

More and more developers are opting for Swift nowadays to develop iOS and MacOS apps, and you might want to switch to it too, given the fact that it is so widely and warmly embraced by the developer community.


Because of its traits like code reusability and portability, Java is without any doubt, the best programming language to develop Native Android and Cross-platform apps. Java enables programmer in writing codes which can run on multiple platforms and environments, a feature which is always preferable over a rigid codebase. Moreover, Java is a widely known language, and there is a horde of programmers out there who are already very proficient in it, so finding a Java programmer is not a very hard task either. Java has a big online community which provides open source support and libraries to developers.


HTML5 is the best programming language to develop mobile apps which are web-fronted. HTML5 makes developing hybrid apps easier by folds by allowing developers to insert many data types very easily and it supports different screen sizes as well. But the biggest problem with HTML5 is that it is still a proposed standard. But apart from this little problem, HTML5 provides a fantastic option for developers to develop mobile apps which are strictly budget constrained.


Old is gold; this is probably the best and shortest way to describe C++ 's market position. C++ is one of the oldest game pieces on the board. Over the years, it has managed to survive while many languages came and went without leaving any mark on the world. The reason behind it is that even though C++ is not trendy and stylish, C++ is robust, generates highly portable code base and is fast.


Kotlin is an open source language which is based on JVM (Java Virtual Machine) which was created specifically to develop Android apps. Though Kotlin is a new player in the market, it has gained significant popularity and is a part of the latest iteration of Android Studio- Android Studio 3.0.

Kotlin is able to do everything Java can; then one might ask- what was the need of coming up with it at all? The honest answer will be that Java has gotten old. Though it is still relevant and the top language to develop Android Apps, Kotlin is new, concise, tool-friendly and fixes many of Java’s shortcomings such as Null pointer references, etc.

Before We Go

In the end, the type of language you choose is directly dependent on the kind of app you want to develop, and your budget. Native apps are costly and take longer to be developed while Hybrid apps are cost effective and take less time. Choice of a programming language will influence your app greatly, and it is a good idea to make sure you have considered all the factors of the business before you make your final choice.

Author Bio: Arpita is an SEO expert providing her services to one of the highly acclaimed software studio, Matellio LLC. Her passion resides in sharing knowledge with the world and grow by keeping abreast of the latest industry facets. She has crafted some of the brilliant informative write-ups that have received great commendation.


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